Click here to see a nice deal of Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter. Expect you will get great reviews and visit here you will be found of Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter. You can Buy Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter in stock. We Sale the best Clear on Retail & Wholesale.Quick & Easy to Shops , Purchase Online & Secure. Please Check out to get order with click of Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter product image.

Being frugal (all right, cheap) by nature, I held off on buying a single-serve coffeemaker until I could find one I liked that offered a reusable filter. When Keurig came out with the B-40 Elite, a handsome, reasonably priced unit, and announced that it would be releasing its "My K-Cup" reusable filter for separate sale early in 2006, I was primed. As soon as I saw this product on Keurig's website, I was ready to buy my new coffeemaker from and the filter from Keurig's web site. My only wish was that would stock the reusable filter so buyers could purchase the coffeemaker and filter in one fell swoop, and here my wish is about to come to pass!
I have had my Keurig B-40 Elite for about a month now, and I've had great success with it. Bear in mind that if you're using the reusable filter, you must first remove the black plastic K-Cup holder from the unit's filter assembly (instructions on how to do this are included with "My K-Cup"; the black piece in the coffeemaker's filter basket doesn't act like it's supposed to come out, but it is, and it does).
Also, I've read elsewhere that some people don't like having to remove the reusable filter and clean it out after every use. However, I've found it to be a relatively simple affair: the reusable filter doesn't drip when you remove it, and takes about 30 seconds to rinse out after each use. You can use it again right away to brew successive cups.
One caveat is that the output splashes a bit when using the My K-Cup filter, so I always have a damp paper towel at the ready when I brew a cup. That having been said, I'm really happy to be using my own coffee and saving lots of money in the process. Those who are, like me, loathe to shell out 55 cents a cup for K-Cups will probably really like the new My K-Cup. Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter
Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter
Being frugal (all right, cheap) by nature, I held off on buying a single-serve coffeemaker until I could find one I liked that offered a reusable filter. When Keurig came out with the B-40 Elite, a handsome, reasonably priced unit, and announced that it would be releasing its "My K-Cup" reusable filter for separate sale early in 2006, I was primed. As soon as I saw this product on Keurig's website, I was ready to buy my new coffeemaker from and the filter from Keurig's web site. My only wish was that would stock the reusable filter so buyers could purchase the coffeemaker and filter in one fell swoop, and here my wish is about to come to pass!
I have had my Keurig B-40 Elite for about a month now, and I've had great success with it. Bear in mind that if you're using the reusable filter, you must first remove the black plastic K-Cup holder from the unit's filter assembly (instructions on how to do this are included with "My K-Cup"; the black piece in the coffeemaker's filter basket doesn't act like it's supposed to come out, but it is, and it does).
Also, I've read elsewhere that some people don't like having to remove the reusable filter and clean it out after every use. However, I've found it to be a relatively simple affair: the reusable filter doesn't drip when you remove it, and takes about 30 seconds to rinse out after each use. You can use it again right away to brew successive cups.
One caveat is that the output splashes a bit when using the My K-Cup filter, so I always have a damp paper towel at the ready when I brew a cup. That having been said, I'm really happy to be using my own coffee and saving lots of money in the process. Those who are, like me, loathe to shell out 55 cents a cup for K-Cups will probably really like the new My K-Cup. Keurig My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter
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